Below are the results of our public engagement surveys sent out over the years.
Results from November 2022 -
Westridge Park Cost Saving Question: What would you prefer to remove from project if needed? Majority said bench with cement pad
Westridge Gazebo Question: Where would be the preferred location, by the parking lot or by the basketball court? Majority said by the swings and basketball court
Wolf Willow Park Cost Saving Question: What would you prefer to remove from the project if needed? Majority want shade items, gazebo and bench with trees.
Wolf Willow Bike Track Question: Bike Track is desired what item do we remove from the project? Majority said gazebo depending on cost.
Results from March 2022 -
Approval of proposed amenities at each park.
Westridge: Shade structure on concrete pad, picnic tables with canopy, free standing equipment in sand, relocating rotating wheel, and relocate baby swings
Wolf Willow: Shade structure on concrete pad, additional picnic tables, free standing equipment ,and large play structure
Survey Results from Summer of 2020 - Helped to guide decisions and planning.
The goal is to offer valuable additions to each site, based on residents' expressed preferences and within a reasonable budget around $250,000 per site. The top desired amenities are 1) shade shelter, 2) tables/benches with shade, and 3) more play equipment. Other additions explored, but outside of the scope of this project include:
Adult Fitness Equipment
Splash Pad
Splash Park
Rubber Surfacing
These items are unachievable due to the expense, noted above, and/or were considered unnecessary due to nearby neighbourhood facilities.